Amulet Attributes
Alternate life recall:3, Angel:3, Angelic:3, Astral projection:3, Aura enhancement:3, Bardos:3, Beta Blocker:5, Death:5, Dreaming:5, Dream walking:5, Dreamcatcher:5, Dying:5, Energize:3, Ghost hunting:3, Guide:3, Habits:3, Healer:5, Higher consciousness:3, Higher intelligence:3, Higher power:3, Higher self:3, Illusion:3, Infinite space:3, Inner radiance:3, Lucid dreaming:3, Magic:3, Magical:3, Mana:3, Mediumship:5, Metaphysical:3, Native spirits:5, Parallel universe persona:5, Parallel worlds:5, Paranormal activity:5, Past life recall:3, Psychic self-defense:5, Rejuvenate:3, Relaxation:3, Replenish:3, Rite of Passage:3, Shapeshifting:5, Sleep:5, Soul retrieval:5, Tantric:3, Transformation:3, Voyaging:5, Wellness:3,
This amulet affords a connection with paranormal realms and mediumship while at the same time providing qualities of connection with higher intelligence. It has qualities for very strong psychic selfdefense, healers, guides, soul retrieval, good sleep and the protection and grounding of the black tourmaline crystal. This amulet is also used in shapeshifting, transformation, voyaging and wellness.
Black Tourmaline Crystal provides protection and grounding for the soul against negativity, negative entities and energies. It powerfully deflects and shields against unwanted or dark energies, including anger, resentment, jealousy. Psychic investigators and people working in paranormal realms often use this stone for protection against lingering spirits.
It is very grounding, corresponding to the root chakra. Even black magic can be repelled by this stone.