Smart Pill Amulet Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ in Sterling Silver bezel
Smart Pill Amulet Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ in Sterling Silver bezel
Price: $149
The Smart Pill Amulet releases the grip of tense beta thinking to allow natural relaxation and clarity to prevail.
Smart Pill Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet, set in Sterling Silver quarter-sized bezel, ready to hang on cord or chain. NOTE: Chain is not included.
Have you ever heard the expression "you should take a Smart Pill"?
Maybe it's time to...and here's a Smart Pill you can take today!
The Smart Pill Crystal Quantum Radio Beta-Blocker makes you smarter, a whole lot smarter right now, instantly, through the spirit radio power within you!
How does it work?
Radio waves direct it. Your own spirit radio biofeedback gives it power.
What does it do?
It makes you smarter by connecting up the dots in your parallel universe matrix.
What results can I expect?
You will feel smarter, act smarter and be smarter from the very first moment you put it on or your money back!
Have a final exam? Job interview? Problem client? Snagged project? Brane-Power Smart Pill Crystal Quantum Radio Beta-Blocker is the answer for you! Try it today with no risk! Your money back if not 100% fully delighted with the results!
This Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet is tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment of Creation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space.
E.J. Gold's Beta Blockers use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.
GUARANTEE: All products are manufactured with a Full Money Back Guarantee. For full warranty information, see Legal Stuff.