Astral Travel Amulet Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™
Astral Travel Amulet Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™
Price: $275
For astral travel, astral projection. Astral Travel Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet, set in Sterling Silver hand-braided, real-rope, dollar-sized bezel.
"I haven't done any of this before. I heard of astral projection, but I never thought much about what it might be and I certainly never thought about trying it. But I did read The Seven Bodies of Man twenty years ago, and like E.J. said, it's a lot of work. This weekend, listening to him talking about driving the organic body with the etheric body, etcetera, you know, one body to the next, it made sense to me." -- S.D., Dublin