Yes, we definitely do ship outside the United States. Our international customers are very important to us.
However, because of how our shopping cart works, there is typically an extra charge for international shipping.
The reason for this extra charge is the following: given that foreign shipping prices vary depending upon the product and "ship to" country our shopping cart is not able to accurately predict international shipping costs.
Thus, we have elected to charge the standard domestic shipping at the time of purchase, and then calculate the extra shipping required when we actually have your order packed, weighed and ready to go.
It turns out that this method is actually much more efficient and economical for you. And, we don't mind the small amount of extra work.
When we receive your order we will contact you with the extra shipping cost.
This extra shipping cost can be paid at that time or whatever time is mutually agreed.
We value our international customers and apologize for this inconvenience.
We promise to do our best to make this as pleasant as possible.
If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please use our contact form to let us know.
Working together we can make this work with minimum problem. Helping you get the tools you need is our goal.
If you would rather pay the full shipping at the time of purchase, please place your order by phone (530-271-2239 / 800-869-0658), or use our contact form and let us know how you'd like to proceed.
If you have already placed an order and have a problem with this method of handling the extra shipping fees, please let us know and we can help you cancel the order with Paypal.
Bottom line, we will strive to make this work so that it works to your satisfaction and ours.