quantum wizard amulet

Quantum Wizard Amulet Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ with real-rope, hand-braided Sterling Silver bezel

Quantum Wizard Amulet

Price: $375

The Quantum Wizard is one of the very powerful amulets. It is a strong clarifier of intention and the strongest amulet for perseverance, patience and optimism. It has a wonderful balance of connecting with higher realms, energies and perceptions, and manifesting your higher self in this world. It connects you with infinite space and helps one to see through maya -- the illusions.

Please note that we cannot possibly list all the effects an amulet may have on a specific individual walking their unique path. Let your intuition guide you as to which amulet is best for you at this time, and stay attentive and open to its effects on you and your life. Please call us at 530-271-2239 or contact us online if you need any help choosing the best amulet for you at this time, we'll be happy to assist you.


"Thank you. These quantum amulets are awesome." -- Meredith M., Harrisburg, PA

"The quantum wizard amulet is astonishing -- I can't believe it. Such definite effects. My first impression was "this seems rather like being in the Clear Light orb". Later I noticed myself repeatedly coming across positive possibilities with situations that had previously seemed hopeless to some extent. I'm pleased I followed my hunch in selecting this amulet." -- Andrew

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