Super Protector Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet
Super Protector Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet
Price: $375
For paranormal protection.
Super Protector Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet, set in Sterling Silver hand-braided, real rope dollar-sized bezel.
PLEASE ALLOW 4 - 6 weeks for delivery of this special amulet.
The difference between the Amazap and the Super Protector is that the frequency of of the Amazap goes out from you; it emits. The Super Protector blocks, defends, and protects against what is coming in. Folks here on staff wear both of them. You can think of them like a sword and a shield. The Amazap is the sword and the Super Protector is the shield.
This Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet is tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment of Creation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space.
E.J. Gold's Crystal Quantum Radios use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.
GUARANTEE: All products are manufactured with a Full Money Back Guarantee. For full warranty information, see Legal Stuff.
"Thank you thank you thank you. I've been uneasy since moving into our new / old brownstone. Now with my Protector Amulet, it's been a solid week of relaxed, steady ease." -- Veronica E., Detroit, MI